Hello amigos and amigas,
I hope you’re doing well in this time of ultra weirdness. It’s astonishing how long this age of isolation has been lasting, and will still last…I hope you’re ok.
Since my last post here, I have continued to “pivot” (what a word), and found myself fortunate enough to book a supporting lead role in Hallmark’s SNOWKISSED - premiering on TV this coming Saturday, January 30, at 8pm Central Time (check your channels).
The experience was, I must confess, a true blessing. 2020 was an impossible year of mourning, on so many levels, and this gig came to me at the end of November and it truly gave me LIFE. I adored playing opposite my fellow actors - Jen, Chris and Amy - and I shall cherish their friendship forever. I learned a BOAT LOAD about screen acting in the process (this being my first proper role on screen), AND I got to travel to Banff to shoot some gorgeous scenes in those miraculous mountains of Alberta.
I love the mountains; I have had a love affair with them since childhood, when my dad and I used to watch and re-watch “Jeremiah Johnson” (his favourite film). It is still a dream of mine to move out there one day…or at least to retire by the mountains - please don’t tell my family. We’ve moved 6 or 7 times in the last 8 years, and I think if I mention moving to my wife right now, she might have a heart-attack.
In any case, SNOWKISSED was loads of fun to make, and I can’t wait to see what it looks like on screen.
Making that film also made me fall in love with acting again. I haven’t acted much since 2018, and slowly, I’m getting my passion for it back. And, I must say, to be in the presence of others on set (all safely following strict Covid protocols) and engaging in an act of creation was a truly divine experience. We are all going through trauma right now, and we don’t yet fully understand what we are missing - we are full on in coping mode. Being in togethers with others, and exchanging that awesome energy of community with my cast mates, was an absolutely transformative and VITAL human experience. I now crave more.
Other than that, I’ve just been plugging along; running SIR and planning to announce our season soon (yep, we are planning to produce “The Winter’s Tale“ LIVE at the park this year, watch out!). At home, my baby daughter rages on and refuses to sleep through the night, and my lad is almost 5 and won’t stop talking. My wife also decided we needed to renovate the TV room upstairs, so yea; it’s been a January.
I can’t wait to see you at a theatre Opening again, xo