I'm currently in rehearsals for Hamlet, yep, that Hamlet, by Bill.
Aside from playing the Dane, I'm also co-producing the project with Ivan Henwood, of company Snakeskin Jacket.
It's sheer madness, and we're still actively seeking funding and sponsorship deals. I've no idea when I shall learn my lines!
The play is directed by Sarah Constible, which is tremendous, since she has a great mind.
Hamlet will be my new company's inaugural show - Bravura Theatre's first step into the undiscovered country...
And it also marks Snakeskin Jacket's first show in their new home studio!
Cast: Rod Beilfuss, Dora Carroll, Colin Connor, Tristan Carlucci, Andrew Cecon, Michelle Boulet, Emily King, CindyMarie Small, Ian Bastin, Ivan Henwood, James Magnus-Johnston, Murray Farnell, Chris Sabel and Rafael Ferrao. It's HUGE!
See you in Denmark: April 29 - May 3rd, at Studio 315 - 70 Albert Street.
Tickets go on sale April 1st. RIGHT HERE.